Prepare all pertinent Small Claims documents: The secret to maximizing a successful outcome is in the details. Some litigants lose their case and filing fees before they even start for a variety of reasons most of which is their unfamiliarity with the Judicial Counsel Forms, Filing Requirements, Proper Venue, Proper Jurisdiction, Naming the Party Correctly etc.. The paperwork is the most important part, let us help you get your case filed properly.

Request to Postpone Trial: Should you need more time, or are unable to appear at the trial date set by the Clerk of the Court, the Judicial Counsel forms need to be completed, filed and served at least 10 days before the trial date.
Defendant's Claim And Order To Go To Small Claims Court: If you are being sued, you may need to file a cross-complaint.
RM Document Preparation are not attorneys or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. We can only provide self help services at your specific direction. Legal Document Preparation is provided to the public per the California Business and Professions Code Section 6400 et seq.. Paralegal Services are only offered to attorneys.. Registration and license numbers provided upon request. Access to the website is subject to our Terms of Use. Communication between you and the staff at RM Document Preparation is protected by our Privacy Policy and not by the attorney-client privilege or as work product.